Holotropic Breathwork Documentary Movies
Welcome to our Holotropic Breathwork documentary watch party! Watching movies is a big deal at Grof Transpersonal Training. Tav Sparks, former leader and principal teacher at GTT, had a life-long passion for movies and considered watching them a transformational practice in itself. He always taught all his students that if we pay careful attention to what is happening in our minds and bodies while watching, then any movie can turn into a valuable opportunity to heal.
Here is our careful selection of lectures, interviews and documentaries about Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology. So grab some popcorn, hit the sofa and enjoy!

Holotropic Breathwork
A conversation with Christina and Stanislav Grof, MD

In this unique 1994 presentation, the American documentarist Walter Mead interviews Stanislav and Christina Grof and has them answer many essential questions about the method and development of holotropic breathwork. The interview was shot in the Esalen institute in Big Sur, California, some five years after Grof Transpersonal Training was founded.

In this unique 1994 presentation, the American documentarist Walter Mead interviews Stanislav and Christina Grof and has them answer many essential questions about the method and development of holotropic breathwork. The interview was shot in the Esalen institute in Big Sur, California, some five years after Grof Transpersonal Training was founded.
Science of the Soul
the Story of Transpersonal Psychology
Science of the Soul is a 2007 full documentary by Kevin Page about the origins and development of Transpersonal Psychology. It presents interviews with some of the greatest personalities of the field, including Frances Vaughan, James Fadiman, Ralph Metzner, Sonja Margulies, David Lukoff, Charles T. Tart, Jorge Ferrer and Stanislav Grof.
Science of the Soul is a 2007 full documentary by Kevin Page about the origins and development of Transpersonal Psychology. It presents interviews with some of the greatest personalities of the field, including Frances Vaughan, James Fadiman, Ralph Metzner, Sonja Margulies, David Lukoff, Charles T. Tart, Jorge Ferrer and Stanislav Grof.
The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
A conversation with Stanislav Grof, MD
Another Walter Mead interview, this time with Stanislav Grof alone. This is a rather extensive, sixty-minutes-long take on Grof’s work as a whole. Mead asks some remarkably penetrative questions about Grof’s experiences from working with non-ordinary states of consciousness and obtains no less insightful and detailed answers from Dr. Grof. This interview was shot in 1994.
Another Walter Mead interview, this time with Stanislav Grof alone. This is a rather extensive, sixty-minutes-long take on Grof’s work as a whole. Mead asks some remarkably penetrative questions about Grof’s experiences from working with non-ordinary states of consciousness and obtains no less insightful and detailed answers from Dr. Grof. This interview was shot in 1994.