Holotropic Breathwork
a detailed introduction to the original method
by Roman Petrov
The following pages offer a comprehensive introduction to the method of Holotropic Breathwork, comprising both the main practical aspects of the approach, as well as a good introductory summary of the underlying theory.
For those of you not familiar with the subject matter, the following texts are going to provide a thorough and solid initial understanding of what Holotropic Breathwork, as well as the therapeutic use of non-ordinary states of consciousness in general, are exactly all about. Expect a lot of information packed into a few chapters.
Those readers who are already acquainted with the literature in the field, still may benefit from reading on, for the sake of gaining fresh insight and valuable new details. There is plenty of original content on the following pages that you will not find anywhere else.
Included is a list of further recommended reading, a selection of documentary movies about Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology, and a chapter with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the method.